S2E1: Who is Cal/Starburst?
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We have the privilege today of speaking with the one and only, Starburst!
Today we begin the show or more accurately jump right into it! Skipping over our usual first open ended question that begins the show, Cal quickly lets us know who they are with some amazing stories and insights into the mind of a perpetual mile stepper. Cal is set to become the first (known) trans hiker to complete the Triple Crown and Great Western Loop. More importantly they are doing it for a reason, for themselves and for others.
Being inspired from a hiker they met along the way named Sandman, Cal tells us the story of how they began to germinate the idea of connecting their footpath in a loop called the Great Western Loop. A 7,000+ mile trail system that combines the PCT, CDT, PNT and other pieces together. Yet, more importantly, we talk on what this means to them, not as a "physical goal" but instead what it means to them to stand up for what they believe in.
Cal tells us of the feeling of responsibility they feel as a trans/queer person to use the platform they have to help create more inclusion, acceptance, and awareness in the trail community. We unpack this feeling of responsibility and learn about its growth and how it has affected them along with the hikers their story touches.
We chat about the Trevor Project, an organization that creates a home for LGBTQ youth and builds projects and community while spreading awareness. We chat about how Cal's hike is more than "just a hike" for themself, and is a way to give back to this community through a fundraiser, as well as to give back to the hiking trans/queer community.
Magpie and Cal compare and contrast the growth of the hiking community at large over the past few years from stories from both of their hikes and experiences. They talk about the change they have both seen, and talk about the continuation of finding a place of comfort and safety inside of the outdoors.
We talk about the connection/disconnection pursuit of long distance hiking has on friends, family, and community back home. How do you stay in touch with a community when you are nomadic? How do you have the time? A question we ask every guest, and a question that never has just one answer. We talk about how there are only three reasons a healthy person should be urinating blood. A kidney stone, rigorous sex, or too much exercise, and how Cal's partner after a 50~ mile day is still trying to figure out which one it was...
We chat about Lil Buddha, we chat about the feeling of home while being on trail, we chat about the responsibilities of having a voice for change and using it, we chat about meeting a partner in this community, we chat about Instagram, and we chat about the "linear ladder" of pursuing goals and breaking this "perfectionist" mold. To name a few.
Truly a wonderful chat with Cal, as we wish them luck on many great adventures ahead!
"I lost my extended family not became I came out as trans...but because I came out as a thru-hiker!"
"Pursuing your dreams is professional development."
"Everyone knows queer/trans people, and if you don't think you do, you definitely do."
"When I am on trail, I am home and I feel like I return to who I am supposed to be."
To learn more about Cal and support the Trevor Project:
Trevor Project: A Penny Per Mile by Cal Dobbs
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